update on establishing shot in 3D. As you can see with the mountains, it gets the "closed" feeling, so you get some sort of frame around the picture, as shown in our storyboard.
Been using "scanline" render for the past weeks, but thought i should try something new after i looked on a "mental ray" tutorial page. The light looked better and the render time dropped with 1/10 of the scanline.
Thought I had a good inspiration source for my DC3 module project. The old
runes of the norse people, the Futhark. Each rune got some sort of meaning
or sy...
Jeg har også i denne prosjekt perioden startet mitt eget firma som heter så
mye som Rabidus. Rabidus er latin og betyr "Insane". Det jeg har lært av
det er...
Back from a week's vacation in Prague.
You irresponsible asstard, you say, for leaving your group at the absolute
crux of post-production! Gamboling about i...
Lite oppdatering i det siste!
Ja som dere ser er det lenge siden jeg har oppdatert, dette grunnet at vi
har sittet og jobba på spreng de siste dagene for å få rendra og animert
ferdig r...
Tra la la!
We were good kids today! We went thru a lot of shots sins we finally got
work from a floater and were able to put it in to some shots. So today it
was basi...
We have some huge changes for our film that will definitely affect our
production plan.
Philip and I used two days to focus on getting settings ready for bo...
this is something i am working on now, we are going to have some post
apocalyptic posters on walls that the camera is moving in front of, we
want to have ...
Nice mental ray tutorial! Very Nice! I think You have to post it on felles. :)